According to a CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, 72% of Americans who viewed President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address had a favorable reaction, with 34% expressing a very positive reaction.

The pattern of widespread yet largely positive reception is reminiscent of the response to Biden’s speech last year, the poll claims. In 2022, 71% of those who listened to his speech had a favorable reaction, with 41% expressing a highly positive response.

Typically, presidential addresses to Congress receive positive marks from speech-watchers.

In recent years, past presidents such as Donald Trump (76% positive), Barack Obama (84% positive), and George W. Bush (84% positive) have received high levels of positive reactions from viewers during their third-year addresses.

However, President Biden’s speech received the lowest level of very positive reactions in CNN’s speech reaction polls, with only 34% of viewers reacting positively.

However, some Americans are not convinced that as much as 72% of viewers approved of Biden’s State of the Union Speech.

Biden’s first SOTU address got fewer views than both Trump’s and Obama’s, with 38 million viewers tuning in compared to 45.5 million for Trump and 48 million for Obama. This may be due to the fact that it appears that the American population remains discontent with the current state of the country. A substantial two-thirds of the population believe that the country is moving in the wrong direction and a majority hold unfavorable opinions about President Biden’s performance in office.

There also seems to be a lack of confidence in the country’s leadership. Results show that a significant percentage of Americans, ranging from 68% to 72%, have expressed low confidence in President Biden, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and their respective political parties in Congress.

Considering these findings, the State of the Union does not appear to be very promising.

By Eden Reports

Eden Reports is a Seattle-based news reporter with a focus on a wide range of topics, including local news, politics, and the economy.

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